Hearing Aid Repair, Tinnitus Treatment

You're experiencing hearing problems, and we can help.
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Hearing Devices

Having trouble hearing means there's a barrier between you and the people you care about. If you don't get help for your hearing loss, it can be tough for you and the people close to you. But getting the assistance you need doesn't have to be hard.

Hearing Tests

A hearing test checks if you have a hearing problem, what type it is, and which ear is affected. It helps us decide if you need treatment and what kind of treatment might work best for you.

Other Services We Offer

Assistive Listening Devices

The term refers to various tools that aid individuals with hearing difficulties in enhancing their communication. As technology advances, an increasing array of devices has emerged to facilitate better conversations and daily activities for those with hearing challenges.

Hearing Aid Repair/Cleaning

Sometimes, your hearing aids might need a little fixing to keep them working nicely. Don't worry; most fixes are fast and straightforward to figure out and do. Just remember to clean your hearing aids now and then to make sure they're doing their best job for you.

Custom Ear Protection

You know, those one-size-fits-all earmolds don't always fit everyone. But don't worry, custom-made earmolds are way more comfy and give you better protection. We've got special earmolds for hunters, folks on the job, musicians, and even swimmers. Plus, you can use custom molds for things like headphones, stethoscopes, and earpieces too.


What does age-related hearing loss mean?
This word can mean any gadget that helps someone with hearing issues talk better. As technology keeps getting better, there are more and more devices to help people with hearing problems have better conversations and do more things in their everyday life.
What do audiologists do?
An audiologist is a highly skilled specialist in the field of hearing and balance. They hold a Doctorate in Audiology (Au.D.) or a Master's or Doctoral degree from a respected graduate program in audiology. Audiologists undergo extensive training to diagnose, manage, and treat hearing and balance issues in individuals of all ages, from infancy through adulthood.
What kind of person usually experiences tinnitus?
In the United States, tinnitus affects around 12.3 percent of men and nearly 14 percent of women who are 65 years or older. It's more common in white individuals and happens almost twice as often in the South compared to the Northeast.
Why is my hearing declining?
Hearing loss can be caused by various factors. One common reason is presbycusis, a condition where your hearing slowly gets worse as you age. It's not clear why some people are affected more than others, but it can be linked to family history. Another cause is noise-induced hearing loss, which happens if you're exposed to loud sounds over many years. This affects workers in fields like construction, farming, music, aviation, landscaping, and the military, and it can start even in their younger years due to excessive noise. Infections, heart problems, strokes, head injuries, tumors, and certain medications can also lead to hearing loss.